Thursday, May 15, 2014

Apple Mavericks 9.3

Really known as v10.9.3, this update has been in the news quite a bit.  As you read on, you will get the point that it is all about security fixes.

I'm here to say that there are many features I cannot comment on, do not use, and will not be testing now:
  • 4K screen support
  • 15" macbook pro retina screen support
  • better support for smb shares, network home directories, AD (Active Directory) groups - not something I'm dealing with at this time
  • better IPsec VPN support - I use one, but had not seen problems and still see none
  • Post Script Type 1 fonts
  • added (back?) syncing calendar and contact via OS X and iOS - I use iCloud, so, I do not do this.
  • More data about security updates are not yet posted - I look forward to reading it when available: Apple security update list page

What is in there?
  • Safari 7.0.3 -- This is all about security updates.  I am not testing at the level needed to verify; I will just enjoy better security for these issues.  They are critical - arbitrary code execution fixes always are.
  • iTunes 11.2
    •  It is reported to have security fixes that stop people who could have gotten your iTunes credentials - see here.
    • A hangup while performing Genius updates is supposed to be fixed.  That is very welcome
    • This update seems mainly about an improved podcasts interface.  There are buttons when looking at the podcast view to see what you want, and another improved settings interface accessed with a button.
      • View: Quickly find unplayed episodes
      • Settings: Save episodes, Auto delete episodes that have already been played
My first use of iTunes 11.2 meant that hitting the iTunes store was very very slow.  I believe this was due to an attempt to download a ton of podcast content I had just set to not be downloaded... I mostly do podcasts on my iPhone; I don't need them on my computer.

After getting in, I hit up an ad for the new Coldplay album, Ghost Stories, via an iTunes Radio feature, First ->Play.  This is not really a 10.9.3 thing, but it is the first time I happen to have seen this.

UPDATE: check out this article if you cannot find /Users in finder: Apple Insider - 4.9.3 bug and work around

1 comment:

  1. My experience with Maverick 9.3 is that Finder is practically unusable. Every action performed in Finder - clicking to chose a window, scrolling, clicking to chose a document, clicking on the lefthand shortcut menu... everything - takes about a minute of BOD. I am stymied.

    late 10 MBP, 8gig RAM, SSD Disk, 25 free Gigs on disk
